
Reap rich rewards from agricultural investments

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1 836 754,75 €

Total de intereses generado




Tipo de interés medio

Invierte en proyectos agrícolas

  • Funding for Ogres rajona Madlienas pagasta A.Dadekas Zemnieku Saimniecība "Lejasrembeni" image FG RO

    Funding for Ogres rajona Madlienas pagasta A.Dadekas Zemnieku Saimniecība "Lejasrembeni"

    • Retorno anual 10%
    • Plazo 17m
    • LTV 19%
    • Tipo de colateral Financiero

    € 17800.00

    disponible € 46.61

  • Funding for Self-employed farmer image FG LT

    Funding for Self-employed farmer

    • Retorno anual 10%
    • Plazo 26m
    • LTV 54%
    • Tipo de colateral Terreno

    € 18900.00

    disponible € 10334.51

  • Funding for Cristo Sport SRL image FG RO

    Funding for Cristo Sport SRL

    • Retorno anual 11%
    • Plazo 36m
    • LTV 33%
    • Tipo de colateral Terreno

    € 34200.00

    disponible € 23921.92


¿Por qué elegir LANDE?

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Diversifica tu cartera con préstamos agrícolas

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Plazos de préstamo dinámicos

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Proyectos asegurados

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LTV bajo

Our impact-driven approach

At LANDE, we cultivate a future where economic prosperity and environmental stewardship go hand in hand.

When you invest with us, you're not just diversifying your portfolio; you're becoming a stakeholder in a thriving European agricultural sector.

Our projects are about empowering communities, safeguarding food security, and fostering a harmonious relationship between people and the land. We believe that investing in sustainable farming is not just a choice; it's an imperative for a bright future.

LANDE invests in projects that foster economic growth in agricultural areas, creating employment opportunities and improving livelihoods. Our goal is to empower farmers to become drivers of sustainable development in their communities.

Nuestras características

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    Estrategia de autoinvertir

    Seleccionando la función de autoinvertir puedes configurar tus parámetros de inversión de forma que el dinero se invertirá automáticamente en proyectos que cumplan con tus criterios.

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    Mercado secundario

    Encontrás proyectos en los que estabas interesado pero perdiste la oportunidad de invertir o la oportunidad de vender tus proyectos.

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    Informe de ingresos

    En tu perfil de inversor, sección balance, puedes descargar un resumen detallado de las inversiones realizadas en la plataforma LANDE.


Inversores confían en nosotros

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Getting a premium return is a hard job right now with such low interest anywhere in Europe, so getting 10-12% helps regular people earn as well, not just big funds can benefit from. The risk are reduced to minimal, due to the guarantees LendSecure provides and the collaterised loans....

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I recently started building up my investment portfolio and I wanted to allocate a large part of it to crowdlending platform. There are many players right now, so I had to make a research carefully, as I am not sure what level of risk it will add to my overall portfolio. LendSecured s...

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I always thought that investing is not for me, until I came across the LendSecured website. It clearly explained how the process works. I took a shot, registered and it is actually very easy, I receive my monthly income and can be called an investor now!